Lingala Lab news
Dec 2024: We celebrated the graduation of the first 2 PHD students from the lab. Congrats Dr. Alam and Dr. Rusho!
Sep 2024: Lingala delivers an invited talk at the 3rd annual meeting of the P50 NIH/NIDCD clinical research center focused on Next generation clinical phenotyping and pathophysiology of laryngeal dystonia and voice tremor.
Sep 2024: Wahidul Alam defends his PhD dissertation. Dr. Alam's thesis focused on new MRI methods for obstructive sleep apnea imaging. He will be joining as a Lead MR Applications/Recon Development Engineer at GE HealthCare, Waukesha, WI.
Aug 2024: Rushdi Rusho defends his PhD dissertation. Dr. Rusho's thesis focused on new multi-modal methods for robust imaging of functional aspects of the vocal apparatus. He will be joining as a post-doc at the Computational Biomedical Imaging Group, University of Virginia.
Aug 2024: Swati Ramtilak and Md Shahin Ali join the lab as PhD graduate students in Biomedical Engineering.
Aug 2024: Lab's first R01 awarded! We secured a 2 million$ grant from the NIH NHLBI institute to support our work on dynamic MRI of obstructive sleep apnea.
April 2024: Subin Erattakulangara passed his PhD comprehensive exam. Congrats, Subin!
June 2023. Subin wins Shark Tank Top Choice award at the ISMRM's Shark Tank Competition.
May 2023: Paper on "Automatic multiple articulator segmentation in dynamic speech MRI using a protocol adaptive stacked transfer learning U-NET model" accepted in Bioengineering Journal in a special issue on AI methods in MRI. Congrats to first author, Subin!
May 2023: Subin Erattakulangara to join as a Research and Development summer intern at KitWare Inc., NewYork. Congrats Subin.
April 2023: Sajan Lingala receives Radiology faculty excellence pilot fund for the project, "Novel hybrid low dose CT-MRI on living participants to characterize vocal tract shaping during speech production"
Feb 2023: Subin was selected for the IEEE Internation School on Biomedical Imaging in Colombia. The school will offer an intensive week long learning experience on advanced image processing and segmentation. Congrats, Subin.
Feb 2023: Rushdi Rushdo was selected as an MR methods research scientist intern at Canon Medical Research, Cleveland Ohio. Congrats Rushdi!
Jan 2023: Our lab will be presenting three abstracts, and an educational lecture at the annual meeting of the ISMRM in Toronto, June 2023. The topics span learning-based dynamic speech MRI reconstruction; segmentation; 3D dynamic imaging of obstructive sleep apnea; and Dynamic Imaging Models. Thanks to our motivated student team: Rushdi Z Rusho, Wahidul Alam, Subin Erattakulangara, Karthika Kelat; and thanks to our enthusiastic collaborators for their continued support: Mathews Jacob, Junjie Liu, Douglas Van Daele, David Meyer, Brad Story, Sarah Gerard.
Jan 2023: Rushdi Rushdo and Wahid Alam present their work on learning based models for speech and obstructive sleep apnea respectively at the ISMRM reconstruction workshop in Sedona.
Dec 2022: Sajan Lingala was recognized as an Office of Vice President's (OVPR) Early Career Scholar for the project on "Novel motion-robust learning based MRI methods to phenotype obstructive sleep apnea". The award provides 30K$ of pilot funding for 1 year, individual grantsmanship consulting, and support to visit program officers.
Nov 2022: Wahid's paper on "A flexible 16-channel custom coil array for accelerated imaging of upper and infraglottic airway at 3 Tesla" was accepted in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Congrats Wahid!
Sep 2022: Article on "High resolution 3D hybrid MRI+low dose CT vocal tract modeling: a cadaveric pilot study" was published in the Journal of Voice.
July 2022: Collaborative proposal with Dr. David Meyer on "Physically Simulated Singing and the psychoacoustics of room and distance" receives 6.5K$ pilot funding from the Voice Foundation.
June 2022: Rushdi's work on "Accelerated pseudo 3D speech MRI at 3Tesla using unsupervised variational deep manifold learning" was accepted in MICCAI 2022. This is exciting and will be our lab's first paper at the MICCAI meetings. Great job, Rushdi!
April 2022: Subin and Karthika recieves the best IIBI poster award in the 2022 College of Engineering's Research Open House. Congrats Subin, Karthika!
April 2022: Sajan Lingala was selected as an early career investigator in Imaging at the Academy for Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research.
Feb 2022: Five abstracts were accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of ISMRM, 2022. These include a) led by Rushdi on: Deep generative models for time aligned multi-slice speech reconstruction; b) led by Wahid on: Model based deep learning for volumetric upper-airway MRI; c) led by Subin on: Small data based protocol adaptive transfer learning networks for segmentation in speech MRI; d) two collaborative abstracts with Manhattan College on human observer signal models for MRI reconstruction.
Jan 2022: Collaborative proposal on "Understanding the nasal complex as a fundamental portal to human health" with colleagues from the College of Engineering, and the College of Medicine receives a 1 year 150K$ jumpstart award from the Office of Vice President Research, University of Iowa.
Jan 2022: Book chapter on "Effects of motion in sparsely sampling acquisitions" (authors: Sajan Goud Lingala, Rushdi Rusho) to appear in the book entitled "Motion correction in MR: correction of motion, position, and dynamic changes", Elsevier, 2022 (edited by Jalal Andre and Andre vanderkouwe).
Dec 2021: Book chapter on "Dictionary, structured low rank, and manifold learning based reconstruction" (authors: Mathews Jacob, Sajan Goud Lingala, Merry Mani) to appear in the book entitled "MRI Reconstruction: theory, methods, and applications", Elsevier, 2022 (edited by Mariya Doneva, Mehmet Akcakaya, Claudia Prieto).
April 2021: Congrats to Rushdi for receiving an ISMRM summa cum laude award for his abstract on manifold regularized recovery of dynamic speech MR images.
Feb 2021: Congrats to Wahid, Subin, Rushdi for their accepted abstracts in the 29th annual meeting of ISMRM.
Feb 2021: Sajan Lingala wins the Old Gold summer fellowship award for his proposal on "Novel upper-airway MRI methods at 3Tesla with applications to obstructive sleep apnea".
Jan 2021: Arianna Brenes joins the lab as a UG student researcher to work on airway segmentation in MRI of sleep apnea. Welcome to the lab, Arianna.
Oct 2020: We have procured a novel 16 channel flexible custom airway coil that will significantly benefit all our upper-airway applications! The coil was designed by expert RF coil engineers in Scanmed INC, Nebraska. Thanks to funding by the Roy J Carver Dept. of BME, Dept of Otolaryngology, and Dept. of Radiology.
May 2020: Collaborative proposal with Manhattan College receives a 3 year NIH R15 award (P.I: Dr. Angel Pineda). Grant title: "Optimizing acquisition and reconstruction of under-sampled MRI for signal detection"
Jan 2020: Congrats to Joseph Kettelkamp who has been selected as a Grand Challenges Scholar.
Jan 2020: Subin's abstract on automatic airway segmentation in dynamic speech MRI accepted at the 28th annual meeting of the ISMRM, Sydney. Congrats!
Jan 2020: Two papers accepted for presentations in IEEE-ISBI 2020. Congrats!
Dec 2019: Joseph featured as a Dare to Discover research scholar. He is also featured in the Iowa city's downtown banner campaign. Well deserved, Joseph!
Nov 2019: US patent on a computationally inexpensive and efficient streak artifact reduction algorithm in volumetric radial MRI approved.
Oct 2019: Paper on "Tracer Kinetic models as temporal constraints in DCE-MRI" accepted in Medical Physics. Code is available on github.
Sep 2019: Our review paper entitled "Accelerated dynamic MRI using learned representations" is accepted in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (IEEE-SPM) in a special issue on "Computational MRI: Compressed Sensing and Beyond".
Sep 2019: Paper entitled "Impact of k-t sampling on DCE-MRI tracer kinetic parameter estimation" is accepted in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Aug 2019: Nikhil Rajulapati's abstract on fast dynamic MRI to study swallowing has been accepted for presentation in the 2019 annual BMES meeting to be held in Philadelphia. Congrats, Nikhil!
Aug 2019: Rushdi Zahid Rusho, Subin Erattakulangara, and Wahidul Alam join the lab as PhD graduate students. Welcome to the lab Rushdi, Subin, and Wahid!
May 2019: Nikhil Rajulapati and Joseph Kettelkamp join the lab as under-graduate researchers. Welcome to the lab Nikhil, and Joseph!
April 2019: Call for papers to the IEEE-International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (IEEE-ISBI 2020) to be held in Iowa city is out. Please consider submitting.
Feb 2019: Two abstracts on enabling robust dynamic speech MRI at 3 Tesla accepted as an oral, and a digital poster presentation at the 27th annual meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine to be held in Montreal, May 2019.
Jan 2019: Pilot funding received from the Institue of Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) at Univ. of Iowa. The grant (PI: Dr. Alejandro Comellas, MD) will study the effects of electronic cigarettes in young adults using novel multi-modal imaging measures (specifically from lung CT, upper-airway MRI, cardiac MRI, hyperpolarized MRI).
Nov 2018: Historic news for our BME department. Our department receives a significant (15 million$) support from the Roy J Carver Charitable Trust, to enhance cutting edge biomedical engineering research and education.
Sep 2018: Article on Dynamic 3D MRI of vocal tract shaping during natural speech accepted in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
June 2018: Sajan Lingala returns to the University of Iowa as a tenure track faculty of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology; and sets up the Laboratory of Quantitative and Dynamic MRI.
Jan 2018: Two abstracts in the areas of speech MRI, and DCE-MRI accepted for presentations at the annual meeting of ISMRM, Paris, 2018.
Jan 2017: Eight abstracts accepted for presentations at the annual meeting of ISMRM, Hawaii, 2017.
Dec 2016: Article on "Low latency accelerated RT-MRI of speech with spiral GRAPPA" accepted in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Dec 2016: Article on Direct estimation of kinetic parameters in under-sampled DCE-MRI is out in early view, Mag. Res. Med.
June 2016: Four papers accepted for presentations at Interspeech, San Francisco 2016.
Mar 2016: Articles on clinical evaluation of whole-brain DCE-MRI and locally low rank, sparsity constraints for improved cardiac cine MRI respectively accepted in Medical Physics, and Mag. Res. Imaging.
Feb 2016: Sajan Lingala selected as an ISMRM junior fellow.
Feb 2016: Article on Implicit motion compensated reconstruction accepted in Mag. Res. Med.
Feb 2016: Five abstracts accepted for presentations at the annual meeting of ISMRM Singapore 2016.
Dec 2015: Article on "Blind Compressed Sensing enables 3D Dynamic free breathing MRI of Lung Volumes and Diaphragm motion" accepted in Investigative Radiology.
Dec 2015: Article on "GOCART: Golden Angle Cartesian encoded Randomization for Time-resolved 3D MRI" accepted in Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Nov 2015: Our article on "Rapid real-time MRI for speech" has been accepted in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
July 2015: Sajan Lingala's PhD dissertation is awarded the Rex Montgomery best dissertation prize at Univ. of Iowa.
Jun 2015: Our review article on Recommendations for real-time speech MRI is accepted in Journal of Mag. Res. Imaging
Apr 2015: Sajan Lingala receives the USC's provost postdoctoral research grant for his proposal on Data-driven methods for 3D free breathing first pass myocardial perfusion MRI.
Mar 2015: Our manuscript on Blind Compressed Sensing applied to whole Brain T1rho, T2 mapping is accepted to Mag. Res. Med.