Our research group is hiring.
- We are seeking motivated PhD or MS graduate students with background in signal and image processing and interests in developing novel methods for dynamic upper airway MRI. This will involve some combination of developing real time MRI sequences, new machine learning based approaches for MRI image acquisition, reconstruction, artifact correction, and analysis. The developments will be done in close collaboration with end users of this technology (e.g., pulmonologists, speech pathologists, speech scientists, otolaryngologists). Our lab is a part of the Iowa Institute for Biomedical Imaging, a one of a kind institute in the nation with strong interdisciplinary connections amongst various faculty and clinicians in biomedical imaging. We also enjoy access to 100% research dedicated MRI scanners. We are fully committed to provide an excellent graduate training program in biomedical imaging. The position will ensure full tuition and health insurance coverage plus a competitive stipend.
- Voluntary positions for undergraduate researchers (BME, ECE, CS majors) are available for several projects related to the design of smart magnetic resonance imaging schemes.
The University of Iowa is located in the vibrant city of Iowa City, which has consistently been recognized as among the best college towns in the USA - and is a great place to live!
If interested, please drop a message along with your CV to sajangoud-lingala@uiowa.edu.