The documents distributed here have been provided as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a noncommercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.


[33] R.Z. Rusho, A.H. Ahmed, S.J. Kruger, W. Alam, D. Meyer, D. Howard, B. Story, M. Jacob, S.G. Lingala
"Prospectively accelerated dynamic speech MRI at 3 Tesla using a self-navigated spiral based manifold regularized scheme"
NMR in Biomedicine (e5135), 2024.

manifold-learning-dynamic MRI


[32] J.D. Herman, R. E. Roca, A. G. O. Neill, M. L. Wong, S. G. Lingala, A. R. Pineda
"Task-based assessment for neural networks: evaluating undersampled MRI reconstructions based on human observer signal detection"
Journal of Medical Imaging, 11(4), 045503, (2024).



[31] S. Erattakulangara, K. Kelat, D. Meyer, S. Priya, S.G. Lingala
"Automatic multiple articulator segmentation in dynamic speech MRI using a protocol adaptive stacked transfer learning U-NET model" 
Bioengineering, special issue: AI in MRI: frontiers and applications, 10(5),623, May 2023. 

bioengineering figure

[30] S. Babu, S.G. Lingala, N. Vaswani
"Fast low-rank column-wise compressive sensing for accelerated dynamic MRI"
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, vol.9, 409-424, Apr 2023.

MRI images

[29] A.G.O. Neill, E.L. Valdez, S.G. Lingala, A. Pineda

"Modeling human observer detection in undersampled MRI reconstruction with total variation and wavelet sparsity regularization"
Journal of Medical Imaging, 2023, Vol. 10(1), p.015502; doi:10.1117/1.jmi.10.1.015502

MRI images in figure from article

[28] W. Alam, S. Reineke, M.R. Viswanath, R.Z. Rusho, D.V. Daele, J. Liu,  S.G. Lingala
"A flexible 16 channel custom coil array for accelerated imaging of upper and infraglottic airway at 3 Tesla"
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2023 May;89(5):2117-2130.

Figure from coil paper

[27] D. Meyer, R.Z. Rusho, W. Alam, G.E. Christensen, D.M. Howard, J. Atha, E.A. Hoffman, B. Story, I.R. Titze, S.G. Lingala
"High-resolution three-dimensional hybrid MRI + low dose CT vocal tract modeling: A cadaveric pilot study"
Journal of Voice, 2022,

Hybrid CT-MRI segmentation

[26] A. Pineda, H. Miedema,  S.G. Lingala, K.S. Nayak
"Optimizing constrained reconstruction in magnetic resonance imaging for signal detection"
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 66 (14), 145014, July 2021.

MRI images

[25] Y. Lim, A. Toutios, Y. Bliesener, Y. Tian,  S.G. Lingala, C. Vaz, T. Sorensen, N. Oh, S. Harper, W. Chen, Y. Lee, J. Toger, M. Montesserin, C. Smith, B. Godinez, L. Goldstein, D. Byrd, K.S. Nayak, S. Narayanan
"A multi speaker dataset of raw and reconstructed speech production real-time MRI video and 3D volumetric images"
Scientific Data, Nature, vol. 8, article: 187, 2021.  

MRI images of speakers

[24] S.G. Lingala, Y. Zhu, Y. Guo, Y. Bliesener, M. Law, K.S. Nayak
"Tracer kinetic models as temporal constraints during DCE-MRI reconstruction"
Medical Physics, 47(1), 37-51, 2020.  

Figure from journal article

[23] Y. Bliesener, S.G. Lingala, J.P. Haldar, K.S. Nayak
"Impact of (k-t) sampling on DCE-MRI tracer kinetic parameter estimation"
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 83(5), 1625-1639, 2020. (

Figure from journal article

[22] A. Christodoulou, S.G. Lingala
"Accelerated dynamic MRI using learned representations: beyond compressed sensing"
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 37(1), 83-93, 2020. 

Table from journal article

[21] Y. Lim, Y. Zhu, S.G. Lingala, S. Narayanan, K.S. Nayak
"3D Dynamic MRI of the vocal tract during natural speech"
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 81(3), 1511-1523, 2019. doi: 10.1002/mrm.27570

GIF from article

[20] Y. Lim, S.G. Lingala, S. Narayanan, K.S. Nayak
"Dynamic off resonance correction for spiral real-time MRI of speech"
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 81(1), 231-246, 2019. doi: 10.1002/mrm.2737379.

Figure from journal article

[19] Y. Guo, S.G. Lingala, Y. Bliesener, R.M. Lebel, Y. Zhu, K.S. Nayak
"Joint arterial input function and tracer kinetic parameter estimation from under-sampled DCE-MRI using a model consistency constraint"
 Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 79(5): 2804-2815, May 2018.

Figure from journal article

[18] J. Toger, T. Sorensen, K. Somandepalli, A. Toutios, S.G. Lingala, S. Narayanan, K.S. Nayak
"Test-retest repeatability of human speech biomarkers from static and real-time dynamic magnetic resonance imaging"
Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 141(5): 3323, May 2017. 

Figure from journal article

[17] S.G. Lingala, Y. Zhu, Y. Lim, A. Toutios, Y. Ji, W-C. Lo, N. Seiberlich, S. Narayanan, K.S. Nayak
"Feasibility of spiral through-time GRAPPA for low latency accelerated real-time MRI of speech" 
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, early view, Feb 2017, doi: 10.1002/mrm.26611. 

Figure from journal article

[16] Y. Guo, S.G. Lingala, Y. Zhu, R.M. Lebel, K.S. Nayak
"Direct estimation of tracer-kinetic parameter maps from highly undersampled brain DCE-MRI"
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, early view, Nov 2016, doi: 10.1002/mrm.26540. 

Figure from journal article

[15] Y. Guo, R.M. Lebel, Y. Zhu, S.G. Lingala, M. Shiroishi, M. Law, K.S. Nayak
"High-resolution whole-brain DCE-MRI using constrained reconstruction: prospective clinical evaluation in brain tumor patients" 
Medical Physics, 43, 2016, early view: doi: 10.1118/1.4944736.

Figure from journal article

[14] X. Miao, S.G. Lingala, Y. Guo, T. Jao, M. Usman, C. Prieto, K.S. Nayak
"Accelerated cardiac cine MRI using locally low rank and finite difference constraints"  
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol.34, pp:707-714, March 2016. 

Figure from journal article

[13] Y. Mohsin, S.G. Lingala, E. DiBella, M. Jacob
"PRICE: Accelerated Dynamic MRI using PatchRegularization for Implicit motion CompEnsation"
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, early view, April 2016, doi: 10.1002/mrm.26215

Figure from journal article

[12] S. Bhave, S.G. Lingala, J. Newell, S. Nagle, M. Jacob
"Blind Compressed Sensing Enables 3D Dynamic Free Breating MR Imaging of Lung Volumes and Diaphragm Motion"
Investigative Radiology, Special issue on Advances for Clinical Imaging involving Data Sparsity in MRI and CT, early view, Feb 2016 doi: 10.1097/RLI.0000000000000253 

Figure from journal article

[11] Y. Zhu, Y. Guo, S.G. Lingala, R.M. Lebel, M. Law, K.S. Nayak
"GOCART: GOlden angle CArtesian encoded Randomization for Time-resolved 3D MRI" 
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol.34 (7), pp: 940-950, Sep 2016.

Figure from journal article

[10] S.G. Lingala, Y. Zhu, Y.C. Kim, A. Toutios, S. Narayanan, K.S. Nayak
"A fast and flexible MRI system for the dynamic study of vocal tract shaping" 
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, early view, Jan 2016, doi: 10.1002/mrm.26090.

Figure from journal article

[9] S.G. Lingala, B.P. Sutton, M.E. Miquel, K.S. Nayak
"Recommendations for real-time speech MRI"
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 43 (1), pp: 28-44, Jan 2016. 
(supplementary video material).

Figure from journal article

[8] Y. Guo, S.G. Lingala, K.S. Nayak
"Constrained Reconstruction enables clinical Whole Brain DCE-MRI"
SPIE News Room, doi: 10.1117/2.1201507.006016.

[7] S.G. Lingala, Y. Zhu, Y-C. Kim, A. Toutios, S. Narayanan, K.S. Nayak
"High-Frame-Rate Real-Time Imaging of Speech Production"
SPIE News Room, doi: 10.1117/2.1201505.005916.

Figure from journal article

[6] S. Bhave, S.G. Lingala, C.P. Johnson, V.A. Magnotta, M. Jacob
"Accelerated whole-brain multi-parameter mapping using blind compressed sensing" 
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, (early view, Apr 2015, doi: 10.1002/mrm.25722)

Figure from journal article

[5] S.G. Lingala, E. DiBella, M. Jacob
"Deformation corrected compressed sensing: a novel framework for accelerated dynamic MRI" 
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.34(1), pp. 72-85, Jan 2015. 
(supplementary material[software] 

Figure from journal article

[4] S.G. Lingala, E. DiBella, G. Adluru, M. Jacob
"Accelerating free breathing myocardial perfusion MRI using multi coil radial k-t SLR"
Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol.58(20),pp.7309-7327, Sep 2013.
(supplementary material[software]

Table from journal article

[3] S.G. Lingala, M. Jacob
"Blind compressed sensing dynamic MRI"
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, pp 1132-1145, vol.32(6), June 2013.

Figure from journal article

[2] Y. Hu, S.G. Lingala, M. Jacob
"A fast majorize minimize algorithm for the recovery of sparse and low rank matrices"
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, pp: 742-753, vol.21(2), Feb 2012.

Figure from journal article

[1] S.G. Lingala, Y. Hu, E. DiBella, M. Jacob
"Accelerated dynamic MRI by exploiting low rank and sparse properties: k-t SLR"
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, (Special Issue on Compressive sensing for Biomedical Imaging), pp: 1042-1054, vol.30, May 2011.

Figure from journal article

97. S. Babu, W. Alam, R.Z. Rusho, S.G.Lingala, N. Vaswani, Generalizable real-time accelerated dynamic MRI, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (IEEE-ICASSP),  April 2025. 

96. S. Ramtilak, A. Lu, J. Holmes, J. Atha, E. Hoffman, D.P. Meyer, S.G. Lingala, "Non-invasive imaging of the vocal apparatus's bony structures using zero echo time magnetic resonance imaging, (oral presentation), 54th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, Voice Foundation, June 2025.

95. S. Erattakulangara, S.E. Gerard, D.P. Meyer, K. Kelat, R. Balbi, K. Burnham, S.G. Lingala, "Evaluating State-of-the-art Deep Learning MRI Vocal Tract Airway Segmentation Techniques", (oral presentation), 54th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, Voice Foundation, June 2025.


94. W. Alam, R. Rusho, J. Liu, D. V. Daele, . Jacob, S. G. Lingala, ”Self-supervised variational manifold learning: application to dynamic MRI of airway collapse in obstructive sleep apnea.”, digital poster, International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2024. 


93. R. Rusho, M. R Hoffman, C. S. Apfelbach, W. Alam, H. Oya, M. A. Howard, D. Meyer, M. Jacob, S. G. Lingala, “Characterizing laryngeal dynamics during voicing and breathing with real-time multi-slice variational manifold learning”, digital poster, International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2024. 

92. S. Erattakulangara, W. Alam, D. V. Daele, J. Liu, S. G. Lingala, “Towards quantitative characterization of airway collapse in obstructive sleep apnea”, digital poster, International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2024. 

91. R.Z. Rusho, B. Story, D. Meyer, M. Jacob, S.G. Lingala
"Synthesizing speech through a tube talker model informed by dynamic MRI-derived vocal tract area functions"
(oral presentation) annual meeting of the ISMRM, Toronto, June 2023

90. W. Alam, D.V. Daele, J. Liu, S.G. Lingala
"Accelerated 3D dynamic upper-airway MRI in natural sleeping obstructive sleep apnea patients"
(digital poster presentation) annual meeting of the ISMRM, Toronto, June 2023. 

89. S. Erattakulangara, S. Gerard, K. Kelat, K. Burnham, R. Balbi, D. Meyer, S.G. Lingala
"Volumetric vocal tract segmentation using a deep transfer learning 3D U-NET model"
(digital poster presentation), annual meeting of the ISMRM, Toronto, June 2023. 

88. W. Alam*, R.Z. Rusho*, D.V. Daele, J. Liu, M. Jacob, S.G. Lingala; *equal contribution
"Accelerated imaging of airway collapse in obstructive sleep apnea with variable density spirals and variational manifold learning"
ISMRM workshop on data sampling and reconstruction, Sedona, Jan 2023

87. R.Z. Rusho, B. Story, M. Jacob, S.G. Lingala
"Towards high spatio-temporal resolution pseudo-3D dynamic imaging of vocal tract shaping during speech production"
ISMRM workshop on data sampling and reconstruction, Sedona, Jan 2023.

86. A. Pineda, S.G. Lingala
"Task based assessment of image quality for Magnetic Resonance Imaging"
ISMRM workshop on data sampling and reconstruction, Sedona, Jan 2023.

85. R.Z. Rusho, Q. Zou, W. Alam, S. Erattakulangara, M. Jacob, S.G. Lingala
"Accelerated pseudo 3d dynamic speech MRI at 3Tesla using unsupervised deep variational manifold learning"
annual meeting of Medical Imaging and Computer-Assisted Intervention Society (MICCAI), Sep 2022

84. D. Meyer, S.G. Lingala, R.Z. Rusho, S. Erattakulangara, W. Alam, J. Atha, G.E. Christensen, D.M. Howard, E.A. Hoffman, I.R. Titze
"Physical modeling of high-resolution hybrid CT+MRI vocal tract images"
(oral presentation), annual meeting of the Voice Symposium, May 2022. 

83. D. Meyer, S.G. Lingala, J. Atha, D.M. Howard, E.A. Hoffman, I.R. Titze
"Minimal CT dosages necessary for blended CT+MRI vocal tract imaging"
(oral presentation), annual meeting of the Voice Symposium, May 2022. 

82. D. Meyer, S.G. Lingala, R.Z. Rusho, J. Atha, D.M. Howard, E.A. Hoffman, I.R. Titze
"Pilot study - high resolution hybrid CT+MRI vocal tract imaging"
(oral presentation), International Physiology and acoustics of singing conference, May 2022. 

81. S. Erattakulangara, K. Kelat, S.G. Lingala
"Protocol adaptive stacked transfer learning (STL) U-NET with small dataset training for soft tissue segmentation in dynamic speech MRI"
(digital poster presentation), annual meeting of ISMRM, May 2022. 

80. W. AlamS.G. Lingala
"Accelerated volumetric vocal tract MRI using model based deep learning"
(digital poster presentation), annual meeting of ISMRM, May 2022. 

79. R.Z. Rusho, Q. Zou, M. Jacob, S.G. Lingala
"Joint recovery of time aligned multi-slice dynamic speech MR images from under-sampled data using a deep generative manifold model"
(digital poster presentation), annual meeting of ISMRM, May 2022. 

78. A.O. Neil, T. M. Kemp, S.G. Lingala, A. Pineda
"Evaluation of multi coil SENSE reconstruction of undersampled data using a human observer model of signal detection"
(digital poster presentation), annual meeting of ISMRM, May 2022. 

77. J. Herman, M. Wong, S.G. Lingala, A. Pineda
"Evaluation of neural network reconstruction of undersampled data using a human observer model of signal detection"
(Online power pitch presentation), annual meeting of ISMRM, May 2022. 

76. S. Babu, S. Nayer, S.G. Lingala, N. Vaswani
"Fast low rank compressive sensing for accelerated dynamic MRI"
annual meeting of IEEE-ICASSP, May 2022. 

75. A.G.O. Neill, S.G. Lingala, A.R. Pineda
"Predicting human detection performance in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with total variation and wavelet sparsity regularizers"
annual meeting of SPIE, Feb 2022. 

74. W. AlamR.Z. Rusho, S. Reineke, M. Raja, S. Kruger, J.M. Reinhardt, J. Liu, D.V.Daele, S.G. Lingala
"A novel 16 channel flexible coil for highly accelerated upper-airway MRI"
(digital poster presentation), annual meeting of ISMRM, May 2021. 

73. R.Z. RushoW. Alam, A. Ahmed, S. Kruger, M. Jacob, S.G. Lingala
"Rapid dynamic speech imaging at 3T using combination of a custom airway coil, variable density spirals, and manifold regularization"
(oral presentation), annual meeting of ISMRM, May 2021
Recipient of an ISMRM summa cum laude merit award
(oral presentation), annual meeting of ISMRM, May 2021

72. S. ErattakulangaraK. Kelat, J. Liu, S.G. Lingala
"Stacked hybrid learning U-NET for segmentation of multiple articulators in speech MRI"
(digital poster presentation), annual meeting of ISMRM, May 2021

71. J.D. Herman, R.E. Roca, A.G.O. Neill, S.G. Lingala, A.R. Pineda
"Task based assessment for neural networks: evaluating undersampled MRI reconstructions based on signal detection"
(digital poster presentation), annual meeting of ISMRM, May 2021

70. R.E. Roca, J.D. Herman, A.G.O. Neill, S.G. Lingala, A.R. Pineda
"Task performance or artifact reduction? Evaluating the number of channels and dropout based on signal detection on a U-NET with SSIM loss"
(digital poster presentation), annual meeting of ISMRM, May 2021

69. A.G. O'Neill, E.L. Valdez, S.G. Lingala, A.R. Pineda
"Modeling human observer detection in undersampled magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)"
(oral presentation), annual meeting of SPIE Medical Imaging, Sandiego, Feb 2021
Finalist, Student paper award in the SPIE conference on "Image perception, observer performance, and technology assessment".

68. S. Erattakulangara, K. Kelat, S.G. Lingala
"Knowledge-net (K-net): a transfer learning network for detection of Covid-19 from chest X-ray images"
annual meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), 2020

67. S. ErattakulangaraS.G. Lingala
"U-net based segmentation of the airway in dynamic speech MRI"
28th Annual meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2020. (digital poster presentation) 

66. J. KettelkampS.G. Lingala
"Arterial input function and tracer kinetic model driven network for rapid inference of kinetic maps in DCE-MRI (AIF-TK-net)"
IEEE-International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2020. 

65. S. ErattakulangaraS.G. Lingala
"Airway segmentation in speech MRI using the U-net architecture"
IEEE-International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2020. 

64. N.Rajulapati, J. Reinhardt, D. Van Daele, S.G. Lingala
"Feasibility of fast dynamic MRI as a tool to investigate swallowing"
annual meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society, 2019.  
(poster presentation)

63. D. Meyer. S.G. Lingala, D.M. Howard
"Seeing voice: visualization of vocal tract shaping with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)"
48th annual symposium of the Voice Foundation, 2019.  
(oral presentation)

62. S.G. Lingala, D. Blake, S. Kruger, D. Meyer, E. Finnegan, I. Titze, E. Hoffman 
"Fast dynamic speech MRI at 3 Tesla using variable density spirals and constrained reconstruction"
Proceedings of the 27th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2019. 
(digital poster presentation) 

61. S.G. Lingala, Y. Lim, S. Kruger, K.S. Nayak 
"Improved spiral dynamic MRI of vocal tract shaping at 3 Tesla using dynamic off resonance artifact correction"
Proceedings of the 27th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2019. 
(oral presentation)

60. Y. Bliesener, S.G. Lingala, J.P. Haldar, K.S. Nayak
"Influence of whole-braince DCE-MRI (k,t) sampling strategies on variance of pharmaco-kinetic parameter estimates"
Proceedings of the 26th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2018. 
(power-pitch presentation)

59. Y. Lim, Y. Zhu, S.G. Lingala, D. Byrd, S. Narayanan, K.S. Nayak
"3D Real time MRI of vocal tract shaping"
Proceedings of the 26th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2018. 
(e-poster presentation)

58. S.G. Lingala, Y. Guo, N. Nallapareddy, Y. Bliesener, R. Marc Lebel, K.S. Nayak
"Nested tracer-kinetic model-based DCE-MRI reconstruction from under-sampled data"
 Proceedings of 25th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2017.
(poster presentation)

57. Y. Guo, S.G. Lingala, R. Marc Lebel, K.S. Nayak
"Joint estimation of arterial input function and tracer kinetic parameters from under-sampled data"
Proceedings of 25th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2017.
(power-pitch presentation)
Recipient of an ISMRM Magna Cum Laude merit award.

56. Y. Guo, S.G. Lingala, K.S. Nayak
"Reconstruction of DCE tracer kinetic parameters from under-sampled data with a flexible model consistency constraint"
 Proceedings of 25th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2017.
(oral presentation)      

55. Y. Bliesener, S.G. Lingala, J.P. Haldar, K.S. Nayak
"Comparison of (k,t) sampling schemes for DCE-MRI pharmaco-kinetic parameter estimation"
 Proceedings of 25th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2017.
(poster presentation)

54. Y. Lim, S.G. Lingala, S. Narayanan, K.S. Nayak
"Correction of dynamic off-resonance in spiral 2D real-time MRI of speech"
 Proceedings of 25th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2017.
(e-poster presentation)                                                           

53. J. Chen, S.G. Lingala, Y. Lim, A. Toutios, S. Narayanan, K.S. Nayak
"Task-based Optimization of Regularization in highly accelerated speech RT-MRI"
 Proceedings of 25th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2017.
(e-poster presentation)
 Animation of the day - featured on ISMRM's highlights page

52. R. Marc Lebel, Y. Guo, S.G. Lingala, R. Frayne, K.S. Nayak
"Highly accelerated DCE imaging with integrated T1 mapping"
 Proceedings of 25th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2017. 
(power-pitch presentation) 

51. J. Toger, T. Sorensen, K. Somandepalli, A. Toutios, S.G. Lingala, S. Narayanan, K.S. Nayak
"Test-retest repeatability of human speech biomarkers from static and real-time dynamic magnetic resonance imaging"
Proceedings of 25th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2017.

50. R.M. Lebel, N. Nallapareddy, S.G. Lingala, L.B. Andersen, R. Frayne, K.S. Nayak
"Automatic bolus detection for dynamic contrast enhanced imaging with sparse sampling"
Society of Magnetic Resonance Angiography, p. 76, (2016). 

49. S.G. Lingala, A. Toutios, J. Toger, Y. Lim, Y. Zhu, Y-C. Kim, C. Vaz, S. Narayanan, K.S. Nayak
"State of the art MRI protocol for comprehensive assessment of vocal tract structure and function"
 Proceedings of Interspeech, San Francisco, 2016.
(oral presentation)

48. A. Toutios, S.G. Lingala, C. Vaz, J. Kim, J. Esling, P. Keating, M. Gordon, L. Goldstein, K.S. Nayak, S. Narayanan
"Illustrating the production of the International Phonetic Alphabet Sounds using fast real-time magnetic resonance imaging"
 Proceedings of Interspeech, San Francisco, 2016.
(oral presentation)

47. Y. Lim, S.G. Lingala, A. Toutios, S. Narayanan, K.S. Nayak
"Improved depiction of tissue bundaries in vocal tract real-time MRI using automatic off-resonance correction"
 Proceedings of Interspeech, San Francisco, 2016.
(poster presentation)

46. J. Toger, Y. Lim, S.G. Lingala, S. Narayanan, K.S. Nayak
"Sensitivity of quantitative real-time MRI metrics of vocal tract dynamics to image reconstruction settings"
 Proceedings of Interspeech, San Francisco, 2016.
(oral presentation)

45. A. Kammen,  B. Mordkin, S. Cen, S.G. Lingala, M. Law, K.S. Nayak
"High resolution DCE-MRI permeability differentiates pseudoprogression from true disease progression in primary high-grade gliomas and metastatic melanoma"
 ASNR (American Society of Neuroradiology) 54th Annual meeting, Washington, May 2016.

44. A. Kammen, B. Morkin, S. Cen, S.G. Lingala, J. Arevalo-Perez, A. Thomas, K. Peck, T. Kaley, M. Law, R. Young, K.S. Nayak
"Multi-center study demonstrates dynamic contrast enhanced permeability MRI differentiates pseudo progression from true progression in primary high-grade gliomas and metastatic melanoma"
 ASNR (American Society of Neuroradiology) 54th Annual meeting, Washington, May 2016.

43. S.G. Lingala, Y. Guo, Y. Zhu, N. Nallapareddy, R.M. Lebel, K.S. Nayak
"Accelerated brain DCE-MRI using contrast agent kinetic models as temporal constraints"
Proceedings of 24th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2016.
(oral presentation)

42. S.G. Lingala,  S. Bhave, Y. Zhu, K.S. Nayak, M. Jacob
"Temporal point spread function interpretation of low-rank, dictionary learning models in dynamic MRI"
Proceedings of 24th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2016.
(e-poster presentation)

41. S.G. Lingala, Y. Zhu, Y. Ji, A. Toutios, W-C Lo, N. Seiberlich, S. Narayanan, K.S. Nayak
"Accelerating Real-time MRI of speech using spiral through-time GRAPPA"
Proceedings of 24th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2016.
(e-poster presentation)

40. Y. Guo, S.G. Lingala, Y. Zhu, R.M. Lebel, K.S. Nayak
"Direct reconstruction of kinetic parameter maps in accelerated brain DCE-MRI using the Extended-Tofts model"
Proceedings of 24th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2016.
(oral presentation)

39. S. Bhave, S.G. Lingala, J.D. Newell, S. Nagle, M. Jacob
"Clinical evaluation of respiratory mechanics using accelerated 3D dynamic free breathing MRI reconstruction"
 Proceedings of 24th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2016. Recipient of an ISMRM Summa Cum Laude merit award. 
(oral presentation)
Recipient of an ISMRM Summa Cum Laude merit award.

38. S.G. Lingala, Y. Mohsin, S. Bhave, X. Miao, Y. Guo, K.S. Nayak, E. DiBella, M. Jacob
"Data-driven adaptive reconstruction algorithms for accelerated dynamic MRI: an open source MATLAB package"
 ISMRM Workshop on Data Sampling and Image Reconstruction, Sedona, Arizona, Jan 2016.

37. S.G. Lingala, Y. Guo, Y. Zhu, N. Nallapareddy, R.M. Lebel, M. Law, K.S. Nayak
"Accelerated brain DCE-MRI using Contrast Agent Kinetic Models as Temporal Constraints".
ISMRM Workshop on Data Sampling and Image Reconstruction, Sedona, Arizona, Jan 2016. 
(oral presentation link)-requires ISMRM username/password

36. Y. Guo, Y. Zhu, S.G. Lingala, R.M. Lebel, K.S. Nayak
"Direct Reconstruction of Tracer-Kinetic Parameter Maps from Prospective Highly Under-sampled DCE-MRI". 
ISMRM Workshop on Data Sampling and Image Reconstruction, Sedona, Arizona, Jan 2016.
(oral presentation link)-requires ISMRM username/password

35. K.S. Nayak, Y. Guo, Y. Zhu, S.G. Lingala, R.M. Lebel, N. Nallapareddy, M.S. Shiroishi, M. Law
"Improved clinical DCE-MRI pipeline for high resolution, whole brain imaging: application to brain tumor patients." 
 Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), 2015, Chicago.

34. S.G. Lingala, Y. Guo, Y. Zhu, S. Barnes, R.M. Lebel, K.S. Nayak
"Accelerated DCE MRI using constrained reconstruction based on pharmaco-kinetic model dictionaries" 
Proceedings of 23rd International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2015, pp. 0196. 
(oral presentation link)-requires ISMRM username/password
Recipient of an ISMRM Magna cum Laude merit award

33. S.G. Lingala, Y. Zhu, Y-C Kim, A. Toutios, S. Narayanan, K.S. Nayak
"High spatio-temporal resolution multi-slice real time MRI of speech using golden angle spiral imaging with constrained reconstruction, parallel imaging, and a novel upper airway coil", 
 Proceedings of 23rd International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2015, pp. 689
(oral presentation link)-requires ISMRM username/password
 Recipient of an ISMRM Magna cum Laude Merit Award.

32. Y. Zhu, Y. Guo, S.G. Lingala, R.M. Lebel, M. Law, K.S. Nayak
"Evaluation of GLACIER 3DFT phase encode order for DCE-MRI"
Proceedings of 23rd International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2015, pp. 3069.

31. Y. Zhu, Y. Guo, S.G. Lingala, S. Barnes, R.M. Lebel, M. Law, K.S. Nayak
"Evaluation of DCE-MRI data sampling, reconstruction and model fitting using digital brain phantom"
Proceedings of 23rd International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2015, pp. 3052.
(e-poster link)-requires ISMRM username/password

30. R.M. Lebel, Y. Guo, Y. Zhu, S.G. Lingala, R. Frayne, L.B. Andersen, J. Easaw, K.S. Nayak
 "The Comprehensive Contrast-enhanced Neurovascular Exam"
Proceedings of 23rd International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2015, pp. 3705.
(e-poster link)-requires ISMRM username/password

29. Y. Guo, Y. Zhu, S.G. Lingala, R.M. Lebel, K.S. Nayak
"Highly Accelerated Brain DCE MRI with Direct Estimation of Pharmacokinetic Parameter Maps"
Proceedings of 23rd International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRMScientific Sessions, 2015, pp. 1093. 
(oral presentation link)-requires ISMRM username/password
 Recipient of an ISMRM Summa cum Laude Merit Award.

28. X.Miao, S.G. Lingala, Y. Guo, T. Jao, K.S. Nayak
"Accelerated cardiac cine MRI using Locally Low rank and Total variation Constraints" 
Proceedings of 23rd International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2015, pp. 920. 
(oral presentation link)-requires ISMRM username/password
Recipient of an ISMRM Magna cum Laude Merit Award.

27. Y.Q. Mohsin, S.G. Lingala, E. DiBella, M. Jacob
 "Motion Compensated Free Breathing Myocardial Perfusion MRI Using Iterative Non Local Shrinkage"
 Proceedings of 23rd International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2015, pp. 6308.

26. S. Bhave, S.G. Lingala, C.P. Johnson, V.A. Magnotta, M. Jacob
 "Whole Brain multi-parameter mapping using dictionary learning"
 Proceedings of 23rd International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2015, pp. 5936.

25. S. Bhave, S.G. Lingala, J. Newell, A. Comellas, M. Jacob
 "Dynamic 3D MRI Of the whole Lung using Constrained Reconstruction with learned dictionaries"
 Proceedings of International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2015, pp. 5979.

24. S. Bhave, S.G. Lingala, M. Jacob
 "A variable splitting based algorithm for Fast multi-coil Blind compressed sensing MRI reconstruction"
 IEEE International conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE-EMBS), Chicago, Aug 2014.
 Finalist, EMBS 2014 Student Paper Competition

23. Y. Mohsin, Z. Yang, S.G. Lingala, M. Jacob
 "Motion compensated dynamic imaging without explicit motion estimation"
 ISMRM, Milan, Italy, 2014. 

22. S.G. Lingala, Y. Mohsin, J. Newell, J. Sieren, D. Wang, D. Thedens, M. Jacob
 "Towards 3D dynamic MRI of the lung using blind compressed sensing"
ISMRM, Milan, Italy, 2014. 
(oral presentation link)-requires ISMRM username/password
Recipient of an ISMRM Magna cum Laude Merit Award. 

21. S. Poddar, S.G. Lingala, M. Jacob
"Real Time Cardiac MRI using Manifold Sensing" 
ISMRM, Milan, Italy, 2014.
(poster link)-requires ISMRM username/password

20. S. Poddar, S.G. Lingala, M. Jacob
 "Joint recovery of undersampled signals on a manifold: application to free breathing cardiac MRI"
ICASSP, Florence, Italy, 2014
Best student paper award in the category of Bio Imaging and Signal processing. 

19. S.G. Lingala, E. DiBella, M. Jacob
"A generalized motion compensated compressed sensing scheme for highly accelerated myocardial perfusion MRI"
Society for Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (SCMR)-ISMRM workshop on Accelerated CMR: Towards Comprehensive Clinical Cardiovascular Imaging, 2014.

18. S.G. Lingala, Y. Mohsin, J. Newell, J. Sieren, D. Thedens, P. Kollasch, M. Jacob
 "Accelerated dynamic imaging of the lung using blind compressive sensing"
Society for Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (SCMR)-ISMRM workshop on Accelerated CMR: Towards Comprehensive Clinical Cardiovascular Imaging, 2014.

17. S.G. Lingala, M. Jacob
"Accelerated dynamic MRI using sparse dictionary learning"
SPIE, 2013. 

16. S.G. Lingala, E. DiBella, M. Jacob
"Accelerated myocardial perfusion MRI using motion compensated compressed sensing (MC-CS)"
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2013.
(poster link)-requires ISMRM username/password

15. S.G. Lingala, M. Jacob
"Blind compressive sensing dynamic MRI with sparse dictionaries"
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2013.
(e-poster link)-requires ISMRM username/password

14. S.G. Lingala, M. Jacob
"Blind compressed sensing with sparse dictionaries for accelerated dynamic MRI
IEEE International Symposia on Biomedical Imaging (IEEE-ISBI), 2013.

13. S.G. Lingala, M. Jacob
"A blind compressive sensing frame-work for accelerated dynamic MRI"
IEEE International Symposia on Biomedical Imaging (IEEE-ISBI), 2012.

12. S.G. Lingala, M. Jacob
"Blind compressed sensing dynamic MRI"
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2012. 
(oral presentation link)-requires ISMRM username/password
Recipient of an ISMRM Magna Cum Laude Merit award.

11. S.G. Lingala, E. DiBella, M. Nadar, C. Chefd'hotel, M. Jacob
"Motion compensated reconstruction for myocardial perfusion MRI
Society for Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (SCMR), 2012.

10. S.G. Lingala, E. DiBella, M. Jacob
"Accelerated imaging of rest and stress myocardial perfusion imaging using multi-coil k-t SLR"
Society for Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (SCMR), 2012.

9. S.G. Lingala, Y. Hu, M. Jacob
"Blind linear models for the recovery of dynamic MRI data",
IV conference on Wavelets and Sparsity, SPIE, Aug 2011.

8. S.G. Lingala, Y. Hu, E. DiBella, M. Jacob
"Highly accelerated myocardial perfusion MRI using k-t SLR with parallel imaging"
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2011.
[poster: pdf]

7. Y. Hu, S.G. Lingala, M. Jacob
"High resolution structural free breathing cardiac MRI enabled by k-t SLR"
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) 2011.
(e-poster link)-requires ISMRM username/password

6. S.G. Lingala, Y. Hu, E. DiBella, M. Jacob
"Accelerated first pass cardiac perfusion MRI using improved k-t SLR"
IEEE International Symposia on Biomedical Imaging (IEEE-ISBI), 2011.

5. S.G. Lingala, M. Nadar, C. Chefd'hotel, L. Zhang, M. Jacob
"Unified reconstruction and motion estimation in first pass cardiac perfusion imaging"
IEEE International Symposia on Biomedical Imaging (IEEE-ISBI), 2011.

4. S.G. Lingala, M. Jacob
"Free breathing cardiac perfusion MRI reconstruction using a sparse and low rank model: Validation with the Physiologically Improved NCAT phantom"
IEEE International conference on Communications and Signal Processing (IEEE-ICCSP), 2011. 

3. S.G. Lingala, Y. Hu, M. Jacob
"Real time cardiac MRI using low rank and sparsity penalties"
IEEE International symposium on Biomedical Imaging (IEEE-ISBI), 2010.

2. R.K. Bhatt, S.G. Lingala, A. Deshmukh, V. Gadre
"Quantification of cardiac motion in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging"
International Conference on Sensors, Signal processing, Communication, Control, and Instrumentation (SSPCCIN), Jan 2008.

1. B. Errangi, S.G. Lingala
"Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging"
IEEE North east bioengineering conference, pp. 67-68, 2006.

  1. Nayak, K.S., Bliesener, Y., Guo, Y., Zhu, Y., Lingala, S.G. and Lebel, R.M., University of Southern California USC,. Method for joint arterial input function and tracer kinetic parameter estimation in accelerated DCE-MRI using a model consistency constraint. U.S. Patent 11,982,726, 2024.


  2. Nayak, K.S., Guo, Y., Lebel, R.M., Zhu, Y. and Lingala, S.G., University of Southern California USC. Method for improved dynamic contrast enhanced imaging using tracer-kinetic models as constraints. U.S. Patent 11,412,948, 2022


  1. Lingala, S.G., Mailhe, B., Janardhanan, N., Das, J., Grimm, R., Nickel, M.D. and Nadar, M.S., Siemens Healthcare GmbH, 2022. Streak artifact reduction in magnetic resonance imaging. U.S. Patent 11,435,419, 2022


  2. Chefd'hotel, C., Jacob, M., Lingala, S.G., Nadar, M.S. and Zhang, L., Siemens AG,. Unifying reconstruction and motion estimation in first pass cardiac perfusion imaging. U.S. Patent 8,553,964, 2013.

  1. Invited speaker. University of Utah Center for Advanced Imaging Research 

    Feb 2025

    Invited to present my lab’s recent work on “4D upper-airway with applications in sleep apnea and voice production


  2. Invited speaker. Midwest Voice Symposium, University of Iowa, 

    Nov 2024

    Invited to present my lab’s recent work on “MRI methods for functional imaging of upper-airway”.


  3. Invited speaker. Medical Image Processing Group. Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Oct 2024

    Invited to present my lab’s recent work on “4D upper-airway MRI”.


  4. Invited speaker. 3rd Annual symposium of the NIH funded P50 program on Next generation clinical phenotyping of laryngeal dystonia and voice tremor, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Institute, Harvard Medical School, Sep 2024.

    Invited to present my lab’s recent work on “Quantitative and dynamic imaging of vocal apparatus during speech/voice production”.


  5. Invited presentation. Medical Imaging technology showcase on Capitol Hill, Washington DC, May 2023.

    Sleep apnea and imaging research at University of Iowa


  6. Invited speaker, Annual meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) June 2023.

    Invited to deliver an educational talk on “Dynamic Imaging Models” in the weekend educational session track on “Retrospective strategies to handle motion” 


  7. Invited speaker, Insight Lecture. Department of Radiology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, April 2023.

    “Functional upper-airway imaging”


  1. Invited speaker, Annual meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) May 2022.

    Invited to deliver an educational talk on “Manifold reconstruction in MRI” in the weekend educational session track on “Image Reconstruction” 


  1. Invited speaker, Human Brain Research Conference, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Iowa, Iowa city Oct 2022.

    Title: Visualizing upper airway dynamics using high speed MRI methods 


  1. Invited speaker, Graduate seminar, Roy J Carver Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Fall 2021.

    Title: Novel MRI methods for functional imaging of the upper-airway 


  2. Invited speaker, Sleep Medicine Conference, Department of Neurology, University of Iowa, Iowa city Spring 2020.

     Title: Multi-dimensional, multi contrast MRI for obstructive sleep apnea imaging 


  1. Invited speaker, Graduate seminar, Department of BioEngineering, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign Fall 2018.

    Title: Seeing speech using fast dynamic magnetic resonance imaging 


  2. Invited speaker, Graduate seminar, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Iowa Fall 2018. 

    Title: Seeing speech using fast dynamic magnetic resonance imaging 


  1. Invited speaker, Prosem, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Iowa Fall 2018

    Title: Seeing speech using novel dynamic magnetic resonance imaging 


  2. Invited speaker, Annual meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) April 2017

    Delivered an educational talk on “Motion Compensated Reconstruction” in the weekend educational session track on “Image Acquisition and Reconstruction” 

  1. Lingala, S. G., Rusho. R., Effects of motion in sparsely sampled MRI acquisitions. Motion Correction in MR: Correction of position, motion, and dynamic changes. Advances in Magnetic Resonance Technology and Applications, vol. 6, 2022, pp. 269-285 


  2. Jacob, M., Lingala, S. G., Mani, M. , Dictionary, structured Low-Rank and Manifold learning-based reconstruction. Advances in Magnetic Resonance Technology and Applications. Elsevier. vol.7, 2022, pp. 249-279. 


  3. S.G. Lingala, M. Jacob, “Accelerated Dynamic MRI using adaptive signal models”, (Book Chapter), MRI: Physics, Image Reconstruction, and Analysis, CRC Press 2015.